Friday, June 13, 2008

Letting go (just a little)!!!

   This may sound silly to some, but if you know me well I'm kind of a freak when it comes to letting go of my kids.  I guess I have the Mother Hen syndrome!  Let me explain. You will be so proud of me because I'm so proud of my self I must say!!  Yesterday my parents were in town and Emeli called me as we were driving home wanting to know where Grandma and Grandpa were and whywas it taking so long.  She proceeded to tell me she knew they were going back home and that they hadn't spent enough time with her and she needed them!  For some crazy reason I mentioned to her "well would you like to go to Yuma all by your self with them for a couple of days"  oh my goodness the excitement on the other end of the phone was priceless.  I went on to tell her "we are on our way and we'll talk about it when we get home".  When I hung up I thought I better ask Grandma if that was OK and of course she was excited, but a little shocked that I would let her go.  After all the talk of it my mind was racing and  I thought to my self what did I just do!!!!   As I thought about it all I realized I needed to let go a little and that it would be so good for the both of us.  It was something that I needed to do!  So we packed her up and she was on her way dancing all around full of excitement that is until I loaded her into the car.  I looked at her and her bottom lip began to quiver and big huge crocodile tears streamed down her cheeks.  I hugged her tight and told her she was going to have so much fun and how much I loved her, and of course one last little plug that if she really didn't want to go she didn't have to.  I know I'm horrible!  She proclaimed her independence and said "Mom I'm sad because I'm going to miss you so much, but I still really want to go".  I kissed her a couple more times and we said goodbye!!  I felt a little sick to my stomach just till I knew they were home safe:)  
It is amazing how with one less child  how fast bedtime is and breakfast and everything else :)   I do miss her, but I know she is having the time of her life and I am excited for her and her new found Independence.   Oh and by the way each time I've called  to say goodnight or good morning to her she says hi and that she's got to go.  There is no time for long talks ( what was I thinking that this would be hard for her).   Rich and I have already begun to talk of when we could leave all three of them!!!! HEE HEE HEE  


Terese Hamilton said...

I'm so proud of you!!! You're growing up! It's true, the first child is always the hardest, then you'll be counting down for the others.

(and who knows, maybe you'll be wishing for all day K after all)

KK Poyfair said...

How fun for everyone! I would LOVE to be able to drop any one of my three off at a Grandma's for a few days. Alas, my kids don't have THAT kind of grandparents. (I do have to give my Mom props for staying over the other night so we could see the Old 97s).

I MISS you--you need to call me! (or I'll call you for a change, eh?)

Happy Father's Day to Rich!

Unknown said...

Who the heck is Katelyn? I don't know how that happened, but the above is from me: Anna! Weird!

melanie said...

You know your mom did rasie you and you are still living. It is so hard to let go. I have great memories of staying with my grandma every summer for a week. You are doing her a great service. Enjoy the other kids while see is gone. She will miss you and be so happy to see you when she gets home.

Brooks Family ♥ said...

Your a blogger!!!! I am so excited! I'll call you on Monday and spill my guts to you and then tell you about my amazing life! haha I MISS YOU SO MUCH! My blog is set to private so I just need to invite you to my blog. Once I do that all you have to do is sign in with your email address & your email password. I love you to death!

London said...

You've come along way baby! I am so proud of you. I can't wait to talk to you and catch up, see how much fun Emeli had. I'm sure your mama and her have already planned their next time together. Love ya.

Kendra said...

Congrats! You are taking your first big step to freedom. My girls are spending the night at Nana's (Gail's) tonight and it feels glorious. I spent a little more time with Hyrum. (I am working on weening him.) Jared is still at the office so I get to blog to my heart's content! Talk to you soon!

Jordan said...

How fun for your mom and for your little Emeli. It makes me think of my own Mamaw and remember the sleepovers that I loved to have at her house. Through those one on one times we had together, we formed a very close bond. She was one of my best friends. I feel sometimes like my girls are missing out because they rarely see either sets of grandparents being that my parents are in Wyoming and Bryans in Washington state. Funny thing is my mother is in visiting now. ttyl.

Steph Kjelstrom said...

Nicky! This is Stephanie Nelson from Yuma-I found you on Ericka's blog. How are you?? Loved the story-that would be hard but yes, leave your kids, all of them-that's worth it! Here's our blog:

Anne said...

Good for you Nicky! I used to stay with my cousins in UT every summer and it made me feel so grown up, but it's funny to think of it from the other side. Good thing Will is still little for now! :)

David and Nikki said...
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David and Nikki said...

Nicky crazy! Your family is BEAUTIFUL! It was a nice surprise to find you on here:) I look forward to reading your blog!
Nikki Sandberg